printing on t-shirts

The strong point of the site is certainly the transparency of prices . For each item of clothing selected, a price is indicated that varies depending on whether you want to buy it in a colored or neutral version. The brand is also indicated for each garment, as this can affect the wearability, a factor that should not be underestimated from the moment it comes to online purchases. It is also possible to consult a complete table of the price list in a dedicated section of the website. It is possible to fill in some text fields to request a customized quote and view the additional services offered in the case of orders over 200 pieces.

Primissima also offers discounts for large orders , with offers ranging from 10% to 25%, for orders ranging from 50 pieces to 500 pieces.

To start printing a personalized t-shirt, using Primissima, first go to its official website and choose, from the top menu, the category relating to the type of t-shirt you want to make. For each category ( men, women, children, sportswear , etc.) it is possible to customize the order by selecting the type of clothing. As you can see, there are a lot of clothing items that you can customize.

Then select the t-shirt item and choose whether you want to buy it with long sleeves or short sleeves. On the next screen you can further refine your purchase by selecting the price, brand and weight. Once you’ve chosen your t-shirt, click Get a quote .